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  • 平庫ワカの同名コミックを、永野芽郁の主演、「ふがいない僕は空を見た」のタナダユキ監督のメガホンで映画化。鬱屈した日々を送っていた会社員・シイノトモヨは、親友のイカガワマリコが亡くなったことをテレビのニュースで知る。マリコは幼い頃から、実の父親にひどい虐待を受けていた。そんなマリコの魂を救うため、シイノはマリコの父親のもとから遺骨を奪うことを決意。マリコの父親と再婚相手が暮らす家を訪れ、遺骨を強奪し逃亡する。マリコの遺骨を抱き、マリコとの思い出を胸に旅に出るシイノだったが……。亡き親友マリコを奈緒、シイノが旅先で出会うマキオを窪田正孝、マリコの父を尾美としのり、その再婚相手を吉田羊が演じる。
    Native Title: My Broken Mariko (2022)
    Also Known As: Mai Burokun Mariko
    Screenwriter & Director: Tanada Yuki
    Screenwriter: Mukai Kosuke
    Genres: Psychological, Drama
    Tags: Childhood Friends' Relationship, Death Of A Friend, Domestic Abuse, Death, Abusive Parents, Violence, Adapted From A Manga, Suicide, Friendship
    Shiino Tomoyo has stood by her friend Mariko through years of abuse, abandonment, and depression. However horrific her circumstances, their friendship has been the one reassuring constant in Mariko’s life—and Tomoyo’s too. That is, until Tomoyo is utterly blindsided by news of Mariko’s death. In life, Tomoyo felt powerless to help her best friend out of the darkness that ultimately drove her over the edge. Now, Tomoyo is determined to liberate Mariko’s ashes for one final journey together to set free her dear, broken Mariko.
