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  • 報告
  • 丘珠病院のPICUは、深刻な人手不足問題に直面したままだった。志子田武四郎(吉沢亮)は、何かの役に立てるならと、休日を返上して出勤する。だが、同僚医師の綿貫りさ(木村文乃)や看護師長の羽生仁子(高梨臨)から「ひとりにカウントできるとは思えない」「ギリギリ半人前かどうか」などと冷たくあしらわれてしまう。
    Takeshiro Shikota is a 27-year-old pediatrician in Hokkaido, Japan. He was born and raised in Hokkaido. One day, Takeshiro is transferred to the newly established PICU (Pediatric Intensive Care Unit). The unit is for children under the age of 15 who require advance and intensive treatment. There, he meets Dr. Hajime Ueno. Hajime is a pioneer in his field and hopes to establish PICU all over Japan. His goal is to bring sick children to PICU as quickly as possible and accept them under any circumstances. Meeting with Hajim, changes Takeshiro life as a pediatrician.
